Last year, SDEA members won big improvements to our contract. This happened because of our solidarity. When we stand together, we win. We are not done winning. This year’s reopener is another opportunity to achieve major improvements to our contract. 

  1. Evaluations– Educators need an evaluation system that is meaningful, but not labor intensive. Evaluations that take time away from teacher planning time have a negative impact on our students.
  2. Fall Excessing– Fall excessing disrespects teachers and students, and destabilizes schools. The district needs to use its resources to staff schools before school starts.
  3. Wages– We won a historic raise last year. SDEA members are now the top in the county with our combined wages and benefits, but we must remain vigilant to stay there.
  4. Housing– Lack of affordable housing impacts our members in many ways. It is the reason that we are experiencing declining enrollment. Declining enrollment results in a reduction in educator jobs. Housing prices also deter new educators from working in San Diego. Even with our 15% raise, new educator salaries are not sufficient for educators to live in the communities in which they work which results in vacancies in critical areas.

In January, 80% of schools participated in bargaining input sessions at their site meetings. The meetings included participating in a survey to gather member’s positions on Evaluations, Fall Excessing, Wages and Housing. The data was used by our bargaining team to inform our bargaining platform.

  • 62% of members prefer the traditional percentage wage increase.
  • 65% strongly agree that fall excessing should be eliminated.
  • 14% agreed that the workload associated with E3 is equal or less than the traditional evaluation.
  • 15% agreed that the E3 evaluation was meaningful.
  1. The projected increase in funding for K-12 schools is 0.76% compared to over 13% in previous years.
  2. Federal COVID recovery funds are set to expire at the end of this school year.
  3. Declining enrollment will further reduce incoming funds.

The SDEA bargaining team, composed of 13 members and chaired by Stacy Hernandez, site union leader from Dailard Elementary, will meet with the district to fight for the improvements members want in our contract.

We can all support the bargaining team by wearing red on bargaining days. The next two bargaining sessions are on March 21 and April 18.


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